Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Do I have to pay commission to Hallisoft?
No! We do not charge any commissions for reservation made through our RezEasy software.
What kind of technical support do you offer?
We offer support via our helpdesk and email. You will receive an answer from 3 to 24 hours after contacting us. The time taken depends on your location relative to ours. You can also contact us by phone between 06:00 to 15:00 GMT.
What are my computer system requirements?
For RezEasy all you need a PC or Tablet device connected to the Internet plus website hosting. RezEasy works on Windows, Mac and Linux and supports all major browsers.
What kind of Internet connection do I need?
While high-speed Internet access is recommended, RezEasy works well with mobile Internet, satellite and even 56K dial-up. The reliability and quality of your connection is actually more important than the speed.
What are the hosting requirements for RezEasy?
You will need business class website hosting with cgi scripting (Perl) and MySQL or MariaDB database. Hosting can be Linux or Windows PC (we strongly recommend Linux). Remember that you are running a business and the hosting should reflect that fact so don't go for the cheapest you can find. Look for a company offering a quality service, good support and avoid those with overloaded servers.
Does RezEasy work with touch screen technology and mobile devices?
Yes. The program has interfaces for PC and Tablet devices, and the booking engine also includes a mobile phone interface.
Can RezEasy Hotel PMS be installed on a server in our office?
Yes. You will need a Linux or Windows PC (we strongly recommend Linux). Ubuntu Servar plus Webmin, or Centos Server plus Centos Web Panel are ideal for RezEasy. Linux software is free. We can pre-configure RezEasy for you or install it directly to your server if you open it to the Internet.
Is RezEasy PMS suitable for a hotel group?
Yes. RezEasy Cloud PMS can support multiple propeties in a single installation. Each hotel/B&B etc. can set up their own data (rooms, rates, booking restrictions etc.) The main Admin section contains consolidated reports for all properties and each properties' Front Desk has reports for that property only.
Is my data safe in the Cloud?
If you purchase RezEasy as SaaS we take care of daily backups and security of the operating system. If you are using RezEasy on hosting that you have arranged you must make sure that the provider is making regular backups of data and that they have adequate security policies in place. Web servers are usually located in data centres that are physically secure with many detection systems designed to keep the hardware safe. These safety measures are many times more advanced and secure than the typical office.
What happens if I cannot access RezEasy?
Computer problem: Simply move to another computer or tablet device. Since RezEasy runs in the cloud and not on your computers, no information will be lost if your computer experiences problems. Internet problems: We recommend that you set-up an alternate method of connecting to the Internet such as a mobile Internet connection or even a backup 56K dial-up connection.
What is SaaS?
SaaS is Software as a Service which means you lease the software on a monthly or annual basis. The software is always kept up to date with the latest changes and updates. These updates and access to our helpdesk are free for as long as the lease runs.
Can RezEasy handle multiple languages?
Yes. All of the program text in the Administration and Front Desk sections can be translated into a different language. The Online Booking system supports up to 8 different languages. Professional translations can be ordered in 3 clicks from within RezEasy. See Video Guide
Does Hallisoft provide translations?
We can supply professional quality translations at extra cost. You can also make the translations yourself and, in many cases, we will purchase the translations from you. However, any translations we purchase must be made by native speakers.
Can RezEasy handle multiple currencies?
Yes. The Administration and Front Desk/Back Office sections can use any (single) currency. This is the master currency for all of your prices. The Online Booking system supports up to 8 different currencies.
Can exchange rates be updated automatically?
Yes, but you will need an account with a company offering real-time exchange rate information and this may be subject to a monthly or annual fee. We can supply a small program to automatically update the RezEasy database. Cost varies but is usually around US $50 to $75.
Can I upgrade my license at a later date?
If you have RezEasy Hotel PMS, RezEasy Single Booking Engine or RezEasy Portal you can increase the number of rooms or properties supported by the program at any time. Simply Contact Us for further details.